Alex is here! I went to pick him up at the airport after my disastrous morning. Well I got to the city center and everything was dark and nothing was open. Also I tried to buy tram tickets and they don't take cash they only take coins or a credit card and the machine wouldn't take my credit card so I started to freak out. So I just hopped on a tram hoping I wouldn't get asked for a ticket, and I didn't thank goodness. I got to the train station and go figure the trains to the airport had already stopped running, FANTASTIC. At this point I was seriously freaking out because I didn't know how to get there I found a taxi and asked him how much it would be to the airport and he said between 40-50 euros. Well that's when I started to cry, I had only brought 25 euros with me because the train to the airport is only 3.50 and metro tickets are 1.30 so I thought 25 would be fine. I tried explaining this to the taxi driver in my horrid French and through my torrent of tears. I just kept saying "mon amour dans la aeroport" which sort of translates into my love is in the airport, hahaha the poor guy! In the end I just showed him how much money I had and he laughed and said that's fine that's fine. We got to the airport and the fare was 45 I felt sooo awful, I repeatedly said "Je suis desole" I am sorry and he kept smiling and saying c'est bon. What a sweetheart.
I was so relieved to see Alex get off of the plane. We went to get his luggage only to discover that the airline had lost it. How fantastic. We took a taxi back home and Alex had money for the fare thank goodness. I was able to get cash and pay himback but I feel so bad that I couldn't pay the first cab driver the rest of his fare.
I took Alex to the Tarte Flambee restaurant so he could try it since I had loved it so much but he didn't like it. So I just ate the whole thing while he watched and because everything but the bars close really early here he didn't eat anything how sad.
The rest of the time we have just been wondering around Strasbourg looking at the sights and enjoying each other's company. We went to a Chinese restuarant which was good. We also meet my Romanian flat mate Simone who is very nice and speaks excellent English. We are all getting together Sunday night for a big dinner which I am really looking forward to.
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