Alex left really early this morning. We had to be up at 4:30 to catch the tram to the train station in order for him to catch a 5:20 train to the airport (we checked the train times the night before, lesson learned). We made it just in time and said goodbye at the train. There were no romantic giddy Audrey Hepburn "Hello and Goodbye" endings it was just sad, as it always is saying good bye.
E and S are going to Cape Town for a week and a half so E's parents are here from Greece to be with the girls along with myself. Her parents only speak Greek so we have to rely on the girls to translate for us when needed. I am not worried about E and S leaving, the days are so scheduled that there won't be any time for emergencies and I already have it all down, almost :) The grandparents are so sweet and just like my grandparents. The grandmother is soooo short and cooks delicious things and is very motherly and really makes me miss my grandma who passed away last spring. It is nice that Ipa and Grandpa are still healthy it makes the pain of losing people softer.
Today I did laundry. I have been here two weeks today and I have been avoiding it. My clothes and things are still good haha! But I desperately need undergarments. The washing machine here is TINY, so I could barely fit those things in one load and then there is no dryer. I have to hang dry my things in the common room on my floor which is fine except that I washed all of my socks and underwear so I have only what I am wearing until those things dry and at the rate they are going it might be a couple of days.....perhaps a trip to the monoprix (general store) will be neccessary tomorrow.
Now that Alex is gone I have to buckle down and meet people. I am lucky that my flatmates have all been very nice and gone out of their way to meet me.
I got a package from my mom today, she made me a calendar with sayings and things it was so nice to see something from home! Although I am now worried about my books and contacts that I sent myself before I left because they are still not here...
I miss you!