That's right those are carrots, beets, and broccoli gummies. I was at the grocery store getting yogurt and clementines and I saw the bear on the package and I thought yum gummy bears! So I bought them. Upon closer inspection at home I realized that they are indeed various vegetable gummies, legumes means vegetables and if I paid any attention I would have noticed it on the front of the package. Needless to say corn and carrot gummies are pretty gross.
I am an avid watcher of the show Sex and the City, and in the sixth season of the show Carries (the main character) is in Paris. She is alone and sad and wandering around the beautiful city dressed in a gorgeous outfit and all she can think about it home and friends and then to top it off she steps in dog poop. The scene shows her looking frustrated and on the brink of tears and in the background some old French guys are chuckling at her and pointing as she tries to wipe of the dog crap. When I saw this I laughed and thought oh how funny, yay for Paris.
Well today on my run I stepped well more like stomped into an enormous pile of poop. Yep, all of you reading this and who know how truly clumsy and unobservant I can be can surely picture this happening. Also I am sure you can picture the numerous French people laughing at my mishap. I felt like crying but instead I laughed at myself along with the rest of the enitre park that was there and wiped off most of it in the grass.
There is dop poop EVERYWHERE here I am not kidding. Walking anywhere outside here is like walking in the 17th parallel. It's really intense, so if you ever visit me BEWARE, not of the dog but what the dog is bound to leave behind.