I woke up this morning and said to myself I would like to travel the seven seas, drink champagne for breakfast at noon, lounge by the pool till 5, and go dancing every evening wearing diamonds. And I did, for just one day.
My friend Eftihia (I know that's misspelled) invited me to spend the day with her. She picked me up in the morning and we drove down to the square where a speedboat picked us up. We were dropped off by the nameless wordless driver on a yacht. An enormous sleek sexy yacht. I would like to emphasize the sheer magnitude of this boat. Please excuse my ignorance of correct nautical terms and allow me to guide you through this vast boat in laymen terms. We walked onto the first floor and we were greeted by some guy who took our bags and then promptly disappeared. Eftihia took me around front to see the pool. That's right a pool on the yacht. There were some girls lounging by the pool who said hello. We then went into the boat uum cabin whatever. We went inside and through a bunch of glitzy rooms and up a staircase to Eftihia's room, which was enormous. Our bags were there and swimsuits had been laid out for us on the bed. After a tour of the three floors, numerous rooms, and a movie theater we joined the other girls by the pool.
We spent the afternoon alternating between the pool and the sea. People brought us club sandwhiches and freshly squeezed fruit juices. I use the term 'people' vaguely because they showed up instantly when we needed something disappeared into nowhere and wouldn't talk to me. We changed for a late lunch/early dinner and crossed over to a yacht anchored nearby. Just as glamorous. Up until this point I had assumed that the yacht belonged to Efthia's father or uncle or I don't know. Anyway I was introduced to five older gentleman. One was Eftihia's 'boyfriend' another term that can only truly be loosely applied because he was also the boyfriend of about three other girls on the ship.
It was as if I had walked into a James Bond movie. Except that James Bond is always extremely good looking and trying to save the world from imminent disaster so his slutty beahvior is forgiven. This situation was more like the Playboy mansion I guess. Old men and beautiful young women brought together by money. We had a lovely four hour dinner in which I heard interesting stories ate fantastic food and just for a minute imagined myself in that lifestyle. Alas when midnight came my fairytale day was over I left, alone, driven back to shore by the same nameless wordless driver.
I was invited to spend the night of course by Eftihia and her boyfriend, I declined. I may be able to visit this glamorous lifestyle for a day, an evening, a week, but I could never be a participant it's just not me.
One of the greatest things about traveling is exposure to new situations. While this particular one left me staring with my mouth wide open I appreciated the chance to see how others live and though it may never be a lifestyle I can live it helps me to keep an open mind.
*The picture is the view from the family's house at sunset
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