My days are as follows:
10am wake up eat breakfast on the balcony with the family. Go to the beach. Eat lunch at a beachside restaurant. Lay on the beach. Come home rest for two hours. Dinner with friends of the family or at home. Sleep.
Yes that's right it's a hard life :) Well now that I am done making it sound like candy and roses the girls are driving me up the wall. I never ever get to be by myself and I am a person who values private time or at least I do now. There is an American family here, they come every summer, they have two girls that are D and Ir's age and they are spoiled rotten. D and Ir have a pretty easy time of things but E and S make a concentrated effort to raise them in a certain way which I find highly commendable given how easy it would be for them to just let the girls get everything they want all the time. Anyway, these American girls are brats. Yep, there is no nicer way to put it, several worse ways of course but you get the picture.
I was playing with all of them on the beach and we had an air mattress and one of the girls said "ok you can be my valet, feed me grapes" I said no ovbiously she said "you have to do what I say" and then I said no I don't and she said "you work for us, yes you do". I got out of the water before I slapped her. I feel sorry for their au pair. Really sorry. Thank god I picked the family that I did.
Also the American dad is a sleezy tool. We saw him in town with some hot girl about my age clearly not his wife clearly doing innappropriate things. Yep, thank you Americans for representing how nice. Call me oldfashioned, midwestern, naive, whatever you like but that's not ok by me.
We are going to Albania on Saturday for a family friend's christening. It should be interesting with plenty of food and merrymaking. I miss my family and I wish you were all here with me :/
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