Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Before I came here I got my visa from the Consulate in Chicago, it was good for three months. When I got to Strasbourg I went to the prefecture to get another piece of paper that replaced the visa which expired today. In order to eventually get my carte de sejour, the paper that allows me to stay for the year I had to go to the medical exam, which I did, and wait for mail. I got the mail and today I went to the prefecture to finally get the actual carte de sjour.
I got there and all my papers were in order everything was fine and then the lady behind the desk asked for THREE HUNDRED EUROS!! At first I thought I misheard her so I asked her to repeat herself, and yes I heard correctly 300 euros please! Perhaps this wouldn't have been a big deal if I had known I would have to pay it then I could have saved up for it but I had no idea that I would have to pay anything at all, I just assumed that E and S would have told me. 300 euros is what I make in one month. Needless to say I don't have that money. True I don't have any expenses here but I have been traveling and that adds up, fast. So I was on the verge of tears while this lady is quickly losing patience with me, I was trying to ask if I can put it on a credit card, not a smart thing but I don't have the cash so basically my only option. She either didn't understand me or the answer was no.
Then I tried to say I would come back tomorrow, thinking I would have to borrow the money from E and S and just go without getting paid at all for the next month. Except my stupid paper expired today so I had to get the card today or something. Then I tried to call E but of course my dumb phone was out of minutes, I never ever use the thing how does it run out of minutes so quickly?? Then another lady comes up and takes me aside and tires to explain everything to me. The thing is I understood what the first lady was saying, I got all of that and I could even understand the second lady. I just don't know how to respond in French so she thought I didn't understand which meant she just kept repeating herself while I kept saying je compris, which I think means, I understand.
I think the second lady was saying come back tomorrow with the money, I will keep your carte de sejour at my house and tell the prefecture you already paid so you don't get in trouble. The problem is I am not sure if that's what she was really saying all I know is that she said goodbye and see you tomorrow and left with my papers....GREAT. I don't know her name, or when I am supposed to come back tomorrow to secretly meet her and give her 300 euros, geez this is a mess. Also she took with me the paper I got in the mail saying my stupid card is ready in the first place, so if she isn't there tomorrow and I go back I have no paper.
I didn't cry throughout the whole mess, despite really wanting to. I guess I will have to borrow the money from E and S tonight (not get paid for the entire next month) go back tomorrow, and wander around the place looking for the lady who has my papers...Wish Me Luck


  1. Why do you have to pay for your carte de sejour? That should be an employment expense that E & S pay.

    You are an employee and the carte de sejour is necessary for your employment.


  2. Oh Joy...good luck! That is terrible, plus you are sick on top of that. I think your Dad is right, especially since they didn't even bother to mention it.

  3. Joy,

    Did you get this resolved today? When I was in France, I certainly didn't pay 300 euros for my carte de sejour. Of course that was 22 years ago and the euro didn't exist yet, but still.

    I hope that your paperwork is all in order now and that you're not in debt.

    Take and give care, sweetheart!
    Auntie Keeka & Uncle Bruce
