I am an official holder of a Carte de Sejour and yes I had to pay the 300 euros, well E and S paid for half of it. Supposedly the money is for the medical exam that I HAD to take in order to get the card, even though I HAD to get a physical before I even came to France so it's all pretty stupid if you ask me. E says it's because France doesn't want foreigners to come and live and work in France. Students only have to pay 50 euros for their card because they are visitors and are going to go back home, but since my visa is an au pair visa and not a student visa France thinks I am some horrible job stealing immigrant who isn't going to leave, hence the exorbiant fee. Either way that mess is taken care of.
Alex is here!! His study abroad program is finished which makes me sad because he won't be so close. He is coming back to Europe in June for his London internship so that's not so bad. We both are going home on Saturday. I have a week of vacation which is fantastic but mostly I have to get all the stuff for my classes and thesis taken care of, or else I would have gone to Naples with the family.
I am getting a lot closer with the family here. Nothing like my own family, but what could ever be? I have been thinking alot lately about different parenting styles. There were times growing up when I thought my parents were horribly strict, but in retrospect they really weren't so bad, I mean I turned out alright:) I got to do a lot of things my friends didn't get to do and my parents have a high degree of trust in me that I know is pretty unique. Even within my close extended family there are drastic differences in parenting between myself and my cousins. Despite those differences my one cousin that is getting older is proving to be such a sweet, fun, caring guy. I think that the imoportant thing is making time for the kids, and the other stuff like rules, limits, discipline, all equals out in the end. E and S also have their own parenting style and while it is different than what I am used to I am definitely beginning to appreciate it. They both have full time demanding jobs but they manage to be involved with their kids and find they always find the time to be there, it's really quite extraordinary. Being here makes me realize I will never be able to be a stay at home mom, ever. I don't have the patience or enthusiasm required. I hope that some day when I do have kids and a job I am able to find the balance that E and S have managed. Being here also reaffirms the fact that I don't want kids for a very long time. How does my mother do it?
I took the second picture because my mother's maiden name is Schuler, *shoutout* to my grandpa! Alex and I saw it on the train in Germany on the way to Baden-Baden