Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I feel gross

Today has not been good. I woke up feeling even worse than yesterday. My nose is runny I have a terrible wet cough and I can barely swallow. The girls have been crazy. I know that it is just intensified by me being sick but really, the past couple of days they have been terrible. They are supposed to eat all of their food before they can get up and they have to have water or milk with lunch. They asked for juice today and I told them no. They freaked out Ir went and got it anyway and drank some then D wanted some and I told them both no, they wouldn't finish their lunch, fought, spilled food all over, well you get the picture. The girls know that they have little chance of getting in trouble for anything they do around me since I can't do anything so they just act like little monsters.
End of rant...for today

1 comment:

  1. Everybody at home has been [and will still] be praying for you, Joy.
    We love you sooo much!!
    And we miss you too!

    Your Family
