Everyone parks on the sidewalk here...I was almost killed by some crazy maniac when he careened up on the curb to nab the little piece of sidewalk I was so unwittingly claiming.
E and S have been back from Cape Town for the past week and everything with the family is still going very well. I am really starting to get to know the girls and we are enjoying each other. From time to time I need to remind myself to slow down. Part of the reason I became an au pair was to take a year off from my studies and job etc. and I guess I am so used to being busy that it's hard for me to slow down and enjoy the scenery.
If you think about being an au pair is really a precarious thing for the au pair and the family. They are essentially asking some total stranger to come to their home and be responsible for their children. The au pair travels to another country trusting that the family won't be insane slave drivers. I am thankful that I chose this family. E is very sweet and we get along well. S is polite and makes sure to ask me how my classes are going. The girls well....you know they are a typical pair of little girls, the good and the bad :)
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