Well it is absolutely official I am coming home in the fall. I have had some wonderful experiences here but without the internship I had originally been planning on I would find it very difficult to continue just as an au pair after summer. My decision has nothing to do with the family, they have been awesome! I talked to them about going home in the fall at the beginning of April but I wasn't going to leave unless they were able to find a suitable replacement. They have found another au pair, an American from NY and she is in the process of getting her visa.
I was offered a job/internship in Cyprus after I met the Cyprus ambassador but the internship only pays for food and housing, there wouldn't be an actual salary and it's a long term committment and while the work is my "dream work" and probably what I will be doing after I get my law degree...it won't work for me now because I would have to start paying off student loans and I wouldn't have the money to do it.
Soooo I guess I will have another year at Iowa in the fall. I have one more year of scholarship money so I will take classes, get another major, I am very close in English and History so that won't be stressful; of course both of those are pretty useless majors unless I wanted to be a teacher, which I don't. Then again I already have two pretty useless majors to begin with. Oh and of course I will save up money for law school in the fall of 2010!
If you look closely in the picture the American flag is there.